Test Series - cyber security

Test Number 6/13

Q: What is the one thing that old hackers were fond of or find interests in?
A. Cracking Phone calls
B. Learning new languages
C. Breaking Other’s system
D. Voracious thirst for knowledge
Solution: Hackers of the old era were considered the most influential individuals of society with intellectual learning inclination and thirst for knowledge.
Q: In which year, hacking became a practical crime and a matter of concern in the field of technology?
A. 1973
B. 1977
C. 1970
D. 1979
Solution: For hackers 1970 was that era when hackers and cyber criminals figured out how wired technologies work and how these technologies can be exploited in order to gain additional advantage or misuse the technology.
Q: Who was the first individual to distribute computer worms through internet?
A. Robert T. Morris
B. Richard Stallman
C. Vladimir Levin
D. Bill Landreth
Solution: Robert Tappan Morris, a Cornell University graduate student developed Morris Worm in 1988 and was accused of the crime (under US Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.) for spreading computer worms through Internet.
Q: The amateur or newbie in the field of hacking who don’t have many skills about coding and in-depth working of security and hacking tools are called ________
A. Hactivists
B. Whistle Blowers
C. Sponsored Hackers
D. Script Kiddies
Solution: Script Kiddies are new to hacking and at the same time do not have many interests in developing coding skills or find bugs of their own in systems; rather they prefer downloading of available tools (developed by elite hackers) and use them to break any system or network. They just try to gain attention of their friend circles.
Q: __________ security consultants uses database security monitoring & scanning tools to maintain security to different data residing in the database / servers / cloud.
A. Network
B. Hardware
C. Database
D. System
Solution: Database Security consultants are specific individuals hired in order to monitor and scan the database systems and keep them secured from unwanted threats and attacks by giving access to restricted users, blocking unwanted files, multi-factor access control etc.
Q: _________ are the special type of programs used for recording and tracking user’s keystroke.
A. Trojans
B. Virus
C. Worms
D. Keylogger
Solution: Keyloggers are surveillance programs developed for both security purpose as well as done for hacking passwords and other personal credentials and information. This type of programs actually saves the keystrokes done using a keyboard and then sends the recorded keystroke file to the creator of such programs.
Q: This is the model designed for guiding the policies of Information security within a company, firm or organization. What is “this” referred to here?
A. CIA Triad
B. Confidentiality
C. Authenticity
D. Non-repudiation
Solution: Various security models were being developed till date. This is by far the most popular and widely used model which focuses on the information’s confidentiality, integrity as well as availability and how these key elements can be preserved for a better security in any organization.
Q: From the options below, which of them is not a threat to information security?
A. Eavesdropping
B. Unchanged default password
C. Disaster
D. Information leakage
Solution: Disaster, eavesdropping and information leakage come under information security threats whereas not changing the default password of any system, hardware or any software comes under the category of vulnerabilities that the user may pose to its system.
Q: Which of the following is not a reconnaissance tool or technique for information gathering?
B. Google Dorks
C. Nexpose
D. Hping
Solution: Hping, NMAP & Google Dorks are tools and techniques for reconnaissance. Nexpose is a tool for scanning the network for vulnerabilities.
Q: Which of the following hacking tools and techniques hackers’ do not use for maintaining access in a system?
A. Backdoors
B. Wireshark
C. Rootkits
D. Trojans
Solution: Wireshark is not a tool for maintaining access because it is used for analysing network protocols at a microscopic level (very minutely). It is an interactive tool for data traffic analysing on any computer.

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